A friend, a colleague and the NHA.

Created by sheila 8 years ago
I knew Jane for a VERY long time, both as a colleague and a friend, and have many happy memories of our time together. In the early days (late 1980s), we worked together to make the NHA, then the Handwriting Interest Group, a success. In that early group, there was Jean Alston, Gwen Dornan, Ann Markee, Beverly Scheib, Rosemary Sassoon and many others who came and went, while we stalwarts carried on. As time passed, we all became firm friends and meetings at the Institute of Education became opportunities for museum visits before and parties afterwards. Much good food and wine was consumed and conversation was always varied and interesting when Jane was involved.

As a professional Jane was a dedicated teacher, who cared passionately about handwriting and how it was taught. In particular, she was especially skilled at helping children with difficulties, producing some wonderful teaching materials over her long career. She was a regular contributor to our In-service training programmes and often made that an opportunity to stay on in London and enjoy time with friends and family.

As Jean Alston has mentioned in her tribute, Jane was a great walker and fitter than those of us who were considerably younger. In recent years, I have spent a couple of short breaks with Jane, one in Derbyshire with Jean Alston as hostess and one at home with Jane near Weymouth. We walked and talked incessantly and there was much laughter - especially when Jane tried to persuade me to go skinny dipping in the freezing cold sea. I won't say whether I agreed!

From its humble beginnings, the association has grown to be a large, vibrant and influential group. Now lead by Angela Webb and an active committee of younger members, it goes from strength to strength. Much of that success is due to Jane's dedicated input. We will all miss her very much.