I’ve been at Othona for over 3 years and worked with Jane extensively in our polytunnel. In that domain she was a force to be reckoned with – full of knowledge from the tips of her toes to the top of her head, bursting with awareness and forward thinking. As we spent time together she showed me her sweet heart and confiding nature: very sensitively she shared with me her experiences and held a space for me to offer my own. I am glad and thankful that I had these conversations with her. She gave me insights and perceptions while we pulled up weeds and tended the salad seedlings. Recently she came on our Astronomy week and from that I carry a memory of Jane with a large grin on her face as we shared together the mind-expanding wonder of seeing galaxies outside our own through the telescope. I felt that I had been given a gift that took me out of my day-to-day concerns, as if for one moment I could be with a wonder that is beyond anything I can actually understand and it be wonderful, not fearful. As we looked at each other with widest grins possible, our eyes alight, I believe we both shared that feeling of wonder beyond.